Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Graduates Easy Identity Theft Targets

Whether it's high school or college, graduation is always an exciting time for anyone, but according to a recent report, it's not a time to be too carefree. After all, graduates fall into the age group (between 18 and 29 years old) at high risk of identity theft. In fact, one third of identity theft victims fall into this age group.

One reason is that this age group tend to be less vigilant about protecting credit data and private information. They are more likely to divulge information online, and they think that since they don't have established credit records that no one would want to steal their identities. But as we know, it's easy to obtain a credit card, even if you have no credit.

As a recent graduate, you need to be more vigilant. The article mentioned above includes some very good tips for graduates regarding protecting your identity including shredding junk mail and credit card offers, keeping your Social Security card safe, and not carrying cards you don't use often.

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