Friday, October 13, 2006

Former Police Officer Faces Identity Theft Charges

When companies hire a security guard, they hope to protect employees, customers and whatever products or information within the company. Needless to say, the guard in this case may not be recommended for future security work.

Former New York City police officer Ronnie Artis, who worked as a security guard for Suffolk County Community College's Selden Campus, has been charged with stealing the identities of faculty members and students. With his job as security guard, Artis was able to gain access to offices that contained the information he needed to steal identities. Police found personal identifying information of instructors and students in the former officer's home. According to police, Artis used this information to make online purchases and had them shipped to his home (something a more savvy identity thief would never do).

So how long will it take before the employees and students at this college are willing to trust another security guard?

It's sad to see someone in a position to protect people using his job to steal from them instead. Perhaps his former colleagues in New York City should check their credit reports. His sloppy methods are not a reflection of a career identity thief, but you never know.

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