Monday, November 13, 2006

'Tis the Season to be Cautious: Holiday Identity Theft

With the holiday shopping season just around the corner, this seemed to be an appropriate topic. The holiday season tends to make us more generous and stressed about finding that perfect gift, planning parties and getting everything done on time, but it also makes us a bit less cautious than we'd normally be. With so many people shopping in stores, making online purchases, receiving packages and invoices, etc., this is also a profitable time for those who commit identity theft. I can't place enough emphasis on this. Take extra precautions when shopping this season. Watch transactions in stores (especially, with your credit cards), order gifts only from reputable vendors with secure order forms ("https" instead of "http"); and if your purse or wallet is stolen while shopping, report it immediately.

While you shouldn't let this compromise your holiday spirit or generosity toward friends and family, you should remain vigilant to protect your information. After all, identity thieves know people will be distracted at this time and will capitalize. Your personal information (Social Security number, account numbers, PINs) is priceless, and once compromised, repairing your finances and credit can take months, even years. Be careful who you share this information with, even if its a family member (identity theft can be committed by someone you know).

Here's an early wish for a happy and secure holiday season!

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